Again, I’m not saying Linux is bad or even at fault for these issues, but these issues exist and I it’s valid that some people don’t wanna deal with it.
You don’t know that these things issues exist because you’ve never tried it.
You even admit at times you’re too lazy to even set these things up.
If you have a highly customised setup you need to accept some responsibility for it and not expect others to test it for you.
Bevy is damn impressive. I can understand why it’s not suitable for large projects yet but for anyone tinkering or projects willing to adapt to a rapidly iterate ecosystem is well worth a look.
I decided to not even bother with a significant number of mods because they just seemed mind numbingly confusing to set up.
I’m not complaining, I’m just wondering if I’m missing some trick or something.
I think you made the right choice here.
There’s no quality control in modding communities so I’d say the effort the developer puts into the install instructions is going to be a reasonable indicator of the quality of the mod itself.