Ahh. I didn’t have Wild Wasteland. I was wondering why I didn’t get to see Two-Bears-High-Fiving. But yeah. I love DLC. It feels so well made and I love the ambience. The only DLC I feel like comes close for me is Dead Money
Part of it is that I was trying to keep a good diversity of games, but also I’m a college student so i basically have a lot of free time this summer. I have a collection of about 30 “currently playing” games I usually go through. I’ll play one game for maybe half the day and then I’ll switch to another game. By this point though I’m probably going to be doing a lot of repeat games because those are the handful I’m going through rn
I have a ton of them (like over 500) from a old collection I’ve since lost so I can’t really say for sure. Off the top of my head I know I have Valhalla Combat and Nordic UI, along with a photo mode mod and a ton of overhaul mods for holds and player houses
It’s really cool. I hope my ship never gets fixed because it’s cool having a Ship that’s 24/7 on fire. it’s been about a year but I think mine happened after it crashed. I fixed all the rusted parts and damaged systems. And now it’s just stuck like this
There are some games where I can tolerate it because it gave me a nice break from the action but most other games it’s just insufferable. I love the Unity and Syndicate but theirs are just straight up cutscenes and I didn’t enjoy that
It could totally use new biomes. I have some genuinely cool ones. But for every cool one there is another 10 that is just “Rocky with Odd Trees and some sort of environmental hazard”
I think part of it is that it’s very easy for me to get immersed in the game. Like right now I’m playing as a merchant with my cargo ship I bought. Which is fun to roleplaying, especially when I have friends playing with me
I have a Steam collection of about 30 games of “games I’m currently playing” that I go through depending on what kind of mood I’m in. I try to avoid starting anything new personally until I get the list down to 29 (exceptions made for multiplayer games)