I ran out of Stimpaks and doctor’s bags and have been using Sunset Sasparilla from vending machines to heal until I stop being lazy and go buy some more
I‘ve been doing programming as a hobby for years and I am pursuing it as a career. Sleeping on a problem has become one of the best tools in my toolbox. I would not be surprised if there are professionals who do the same thing in their work. Thanks for the support btw! I enjoy sharing these with everyone
Off the top of my head there is Frostfall and Campfire. I’m doing a survival run right now and they add camping and better cold mechanics. It really adds to the immersion (for me at least)
I wasn’t expecting it to be as funny as it was. Like, I know New Vegas is known for being funny in some places. But this DLC feels more like the developers just wanted to have fun and make jokes. I’m in love with it right now
I think part of it is I like to keep “journals” for my characters in lore for some games. So my Skyrim character has one, and so does my Fallout New Vegas, etc. and then another aspect is free time
Oh god. MCC is my first Halo game, I thought Legendary would be the difficult one, and then I found out about LASO. I’m struggling so much with legendary. I can’t imagine how LASO is going to go. I need those achievements though. Good luck with your Halo 2 LASO
I’ve never played the franchise besides messing around in multiplayer with my Sister in Halo 3.
A friend and me picked it up on the Steam Sale last December and decided to work our way through Legendary mode despite me having never played a game and him only having played on Normal. It has been an experience to be sure. I still have to go back to CE because I accidentally played with Anti Cheat off and didn’t get the achievements
I’ve been playing on Steam Deck. From what I can tell everyone says it runs at a stable 40 FPS. But my game has been running like shit for some reason. I’m wondering if it’s because I have it on the SD card so the speeds are slowing it down since it’s one of those games that are so dependent on SSD read speeds
I still need to do the main story. I’m trying to do them in some sort of Chronological order. I think the only one I for sure will do after the main game is Lonesome road. It just feels right
I did consider mods for FNV, especially ones that expand the world and lets you keep DLC companions. But I’m playing on Steam Deck, but Skyrim already was a headache for me to do, so I decided against it