Slice of Life MMOs just have this feeling where you’re living a second fantasy life. I know a lot of people get that vibe from Games Like Stardew, but it took RuneScape and FFXIV for me to understand what they what they were talking about. The community just makes it feel far more alive
I already have to wait a while to see how it performs on Steam Deck. I figured by the time the community figures out if it is or isn’t viable to play on deck (assuming Denuvo or something else doesn’t fuck it over), then most of the bugs will be ironed out.
I also had a bonus screenshot of Cauldron Lake lined up to share, but for whatever reason while retyping the post from when i accidentally posted it in the wrong community, it butchered the formatting (That’s also the reason the writing is kind of stilted). Here’s the bonus screenshot of the water
i’m excited for Build 42. Having animals will be really nice for making the world feel fuller. Sometimes, at least in my opinion, it’s painfully obvious when it’s just you, a few other players, and the zombies
it’s a lot of fun. It has a really good formula that makes being repetitive work in it’s favor i feel like, because you’re constantly kept on edge to not break that pattern
this is the first i’m hearing about SurrounDead. I just looked it up, i’ll have to pick it up at some point, especially with multiplayer coming at some point apparently
Hi, I’m the original guy (or as far as i believe i am). Just to give confirmation to what you said, If ever people get tired of the posts or mods would just prefer i take them elsewhere, just let me know and I’ll move them without any argument
Nightmare though, at least for me, isn’t as difficult as I expected it to be. It’s a nice challenge up from Normal mode I’ve been making my way through and cleaning out my Backlog. I have over 250 games I need to play. So I try and stick with just one and work through it