I liked 4 a lot. It felt like an appropriate end to Drake’s story, especially with the more grounded story with supernatural elements out and the new mechanics added. I loved The epilogue on my first play through too. I had to stop and go “woah, is this really a video game?” with the lighting
I ended up googling the Iron Skull to see exactly how it works. sadly it’s forced on by Legendary Mode in Halo 2 for Co-Op. Thank you for the help though, i’ll be keeping that in the back of my mind once i try out the skulls system
Is there a way to turn Iron Skull off? it was on by default in Halo 2 Legendary since the first level and it’s been a pain in the ass (as much as i love a challenge)
I’m doing it Co-Op and the forced reset upon a players death is making it really difficult. We’ve been spending almost entire days on just a single level. I’m dreading having to do LASO since I think there’s achievements for that too
I’ve heard Reach is supposed to be similar. I’m excited to get to it. I still need to finish 2 on Legendary, and go back and do CE after I accidentally played it without anti-Cheat trying to fix a bug it was having with split screen on Steam Deck and I didn’t get the achievements (I set myself the impossible task of 100% MCC, so I’m dedicated to doing it)
I’m playing the MCC Collection in order rn (it’s my first experience with Halo in general). I haven’t touched the story for 4 or Reach, but the MP for 4 felt very COD-ish compared to the first three. I’ll have to check back in with you on the story with 4/Reach when I get to those though
I enjoy it a lot. I appreciate it’s more grounded tone for the final entry. If it wasn’t the final and jumped back too the far more fictional elements of the last 3 for the next i think i’d have a bit more of a problem with it. My lack of criticism probably stems from the fact there was basically a 6 year gap between when i played 1-3 and then 4 last year, so 4 is a lot more fresh in my memory then the first 3.
I was following the Dead Space Remake when it was coming out but it’s currently sitting on my list somewhere I think. How is it?
I’ve never played Dead Space before so I’m wondering if its the kind of situation where I can just hop into the remake and enjoy the franchise or if my experience would be better playing the first one and its sequels and then playing the remake to have a better appreciation of it