Also on Android theoretically it’s not possible to distinguish new installs from reinstalls unless you’re using some kind of exploit like dummy images with tracking data saved in Pictures like taobao/AliExpress is doing
If they wanted to just give the monopoly to Unreal Engine and be directed on a path to irrelevance, they could just placed a banner on their website “please use Epic Unreal Engine”. Much easier than enraging devs and tracking all the installs via internet (Tracking gamers without consent can be legal in Europe?)
20 cents per install is insane especially for old games bundled with other stuff when they got pennies
while i think that two years of prison for this is completely ridiculous, a “let’s play” video of a visual novel, it’s essentially the same of “playing” a visual novel
Root and myandroidtools. You then go to that specific app, list all the activities it can do, then disable any which has a name related to ads like “adsActivity”. At that point it can’t show full screen ads at all.
Some games they give you the reward immediately but nowadays the ad SDKs they can check if the ad was shown or not so it gives an error
That would work only in the console (or Apple) world where you can control who and how can access the data. Otherwise someone will stick it to an USB 1.1 hub connected to the USB 2.0 port for the mouse and then complain “the game is unbearably slow!!!”
Plus I don’t think anyone would want to pay $150 for a game (no, you can’t use a $10 USB drive for this)
That’s my uncle! He has an half dozen rusty cars with broken engine in his garden and refuses to sell for sane prices. He always complains the retirement money is not enough for a living, but can’t get rid of that trash. My mom found someone wanting to buy one of those for 3000 euro, he said “but you can see listings for 50k for this car”. Dude, 50k is for museum-grade collectible car, and a listing doesn’t mean that will actually sell for that price.
So we dread for the day he dies as we will need to pay someone to dispose all that trash
It happens when investment funds buy software houses thinking they got a goose that can lay golden eggs. So they layoff everyone and outsource support, thinking idiot users will continue to buy a new update license every year where the changelog is a different icon and three new bugs. Actual development died two decades ago but pricing increase every year to make up for “lost” sales
games that are streamed through PlayStation Plus Premium’s cloud streaming, are not supported
but also says
Games that must be streamed on PS5 using a PS Plus Premium membership are not compatible
hopefully it can be hacked and reconfigured to be used with a PC, so i can get it for $50 when they will do the fire sale (i still regret not having bought the ps tv when they got rid for all the stock at 20 euro)