As cool as this is, to me this just screams security issues. If scripting in PDF can run doom, it can be (and is) used for nefarious purposes. Wasn’t eg. LTT’s channel compromized because of a PDF with some nasty stuff in it?
same, same. Had some cheap laughs with it around the time of release - got horribly drunk, peed out of the van’s window - at obscene speeds on dirt road, died several times… good times.
But actually building the car? Yea nah, that’s some arcane arts to me, don’t know much about cars beyond the surface level.
the discord for the mod is really helpful, and has a pretty smart bot to decipher crashlogs. Definitely solved some issues I had. Recommended, unless discord is a nono, which is fair.
I do some “community service” over there and help out others where I can. And seems like most crashes are either some lingering mods from old-fallout4 install, creation club mods (any cc*.* files in fallout/data -dir, or old config files in mydocs/mygames/fallout4) or “bug fix mods” intended for 1.00/1.01 folon versions, and lastly: weapon debris -option enabled - that causes crashes outright with nvidia cards.
edit: also “long loading times fix” -mod is a total nono, there’s better and less files corrupting options out there (highfpsphysics)
Part of me wants to experience the shitshow first hand, seems like an absolute riot. Realistically tho, never happening, I’ll probably look up some gameplay video at some point.
Both seem reasonable. The banning is (AFAIK) mostly to prevent cheaters from making made-up familymember steam -accounts, and cheating in games as them. Once one made-up family member is banned, make another.
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles … but with the caveats that a) it’s only PARTLY like stardew/portia/harvestmoon and b) For the life of me I can’t remember if the game had money or not.
The game is partly farm-life-sim, but the other part is “zelda-like” adventuring and getting rid of “dark smoke thing” that does bad things to the world.
Okay, sure, when given the fps camera, closest things to the camera are getting noticed. Duh?
But all things considered, who cares about a single goblin toe? Im much more scarred about the thongs happening in nearby shed. Bleach please.
But at that scale there’s always gonna be compromises. Duh. Does somebody actually expect full fidelity between 3rd person and closeups all the time? Might be showing my age but I sure don’t. What kind of madnes is that?
Games don’t need the show everything, leave a bit to imagination. Sure visuals ate cool, but don’t let that be all there is to it.
Dunno if it is good or bad, but Warframe has this loading screen where you see players’ ships and you can steer them a bit. No real point to it, but at least it’s something to do when waiting for someone to load in.