The main idea is that Styx is smaller than humans, so direct combat is never an option. Stealth takedowns, traps and such are the tools here. The enemies are delightfully stupid: sure, once you’ve been spotted they give you a chase and smack you about, but they also go back to their patrols if you manage to escape and hide for a bit. The usual “huh, must have been the wind” thing.
Gameplay can be a bit quicksave/quickload if that’s how you want to play it. Levels are generally huge, but end up somewhat being obstacle courses with few routes which zigzag around the direct path through them.
The games are a bit “eurojank”, sure, but imo, very enjoyable. But I am the kind of gamer who takes hours per level just so they can knock out EVERYBODY in the level, without raising alarms, just because that’s fun to me, so I might be a bit biased. :P
All in all, since you already got them, give them a whirl? The first levels tell you pretty fast if you like the gameplay or not.
Well, it’s a gametype/genre I tend to enjoy greatly - so I can probably overlook quite a bit of jank/issues/whatevs and still get some enjoyment out of it. First round was the “blind go”, second round I wanted to see what can be done differently and what kinds of different outcomes there are. IIRC not much changes when doing stuff differently. Admittedly the second round around was bit of a slog - I think I played it through, but not 100% of it.
To me the “okay” means more of a “more fun than not”. The game isn’t great by any means, but it’s not also off-putting to play, but I don’t feel like I need to re-install the game ever again. Also, the game isn’t terribly long either.
I thought it was okay, though not without it’s issues. The itemization (everything being “standard -> better -> betterer -> best”) and the size of the playable areas were kinda weak.
IIRC Finished the main game twice, couldn’t be arsed with the dlc though.
kinda sounds like The Outer Worlds, in a way. Which is kinda the feel I got from some youtube videos I watched about the game. Got to wonder how on earth the current 70€ pricetag is in any way justified.
Oh well, wishlistforgotten, maybe some sale notification at some point comes a long
And I bet the whole “'murica” stuff is quiiite a bit more prevalent.
Aaaaanyhoo, feels like these kinda drunklol games are pretty much just youtuber/streamer-bait for cheap giggles - and I do watch quite a bit of gaming content so these things are kinda inescapable. Oh well. Old man yells at cloud. :P
well, ofc I can only speak on my own point of view, as a finn, the fairly prominent “lol drunk” -memery in games feels a bit weird. If that was what you were asking.
So many “drinking-games”: Obenseuer, Finnish Cottage simulator, My Summer Car, Finnish Cabin Mayhem/Mökkimähinä… probably forgetting a few… and now Drunkard Simulator and Last Drop?
Self-deprecating humor and all that, but… this starts to feel a bit weird :|
I truly need to give this game another go, can’t really say why I stopped playing it. But it is EuroJank all the way.
Funny tho, I noticed most of the character animations I saw in Elex are straight up the exact same they were in Gothic 3, possibly from even earlier games’ of theirs. Nothing wrong with reusing assets, but damn they’ve gotten some mileage out of them :D
IMO, the game is better than it’s reputation - at least in it’s current state. After the .ini tweak to fix the alien ai-typo makes it a bit better - afaik, I can’t remember if my group played it with the fix or not, we’ve played the campaign at least 3 times now.
The game’s not a masterpiece by any means, though. It is pretty enjoyable action game in COOP and fairly high difficulty. Sure, arguments could be made that any game is, but game still more fun than not. Now, would I play the game on my own, as single player? Eeeeeeeh, dunno… But if my gaming group asks to play some ACM, I’m down.
Some random points about the game summarized:
Pulserifle goes BRRT, alien goes splat.
Could do with less of the human/android enemies though, or at least the parts with androids felt like they dragged on for considerable time.
Quite a bit of collectible guns, they’re mostly sidegrades but they are different enough, imo.
runs on a toaster
goes for pennies on Steam sales, so gaming group funny hours per unit of currency -ratio is pretty good, imo.