@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar



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@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

You all should have stayed on IRC

You’re not wrong, but also, it’s way too complicated for the regular person to use. A better UX is needed.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I just had a KDE/Gnome flashback from reading your comment.

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I used to on irc when i was 10 fucking years old. You type.in the serve and then type the room you want to use.

Did they put lead back in gasoline when i wasn’t looking or something?

We used to fly on planes by laying stomach down on the wing. Didn’t make it the best way to fly though.

The UX of any process/device gets improved over time, and adapts to the generation that is using it.

Would the newest gens even know what a command line prompt even is at this point?

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

This meme makes me miss the button we used to have on the front of PCs to slow down the CPU, so that some games could be played.

Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. (lemmy.world) angielski

Ignoring the lack of updates if the game is buggy, games back then were also more focused on quality and make gamers replay the game with unlockable features based on skills, not money. I can’t count the number of times I played Metal Gear Solid games over and over to unlock new features playing the hardest difficulty and with...

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

A couple of points.

We didn’t need online access back then, we had LAN parties.

Most of the time you didn’t need updates, because back then they were much more diligent about making sure a game released without bugs. Yes a few existed, but much less than what you see in today’s games. A showstopper bug was death for sales, since it couldn’t be fixed inexpensively.

And those instruction books, especially if you are into the artistry that they put into them, is sorely missed, truly.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

A lot of times people use the word 'better 'when instead they should be using the word ‘prefer’.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I always get pushed back on that, but honestly, I’ll “die on that hill”. Also, speaking of games not just in the 2000s, but even earlier.

Back then corporations had to sell cartridges and ship them, and if they shipped with any bugs, that was the death of the game.

At the end of the day, usually when I’m debating this topic with someone, they can only point to a few examples of bugs in cartridge games or in PC games back then, which was a very small ratio to all the ones that shipped correctly.

My point is basically the ratio of good games to buggy games was a lot better back in the day than it is today, because developers are time-pressed and semi-lazy, and they just figured they could fix bugs in post-production.

And funny enough, the pushback I usually get seems to be from astroturfers trying to hide that fact, of not doing as much due diligence before shipping, because it could just be fixed after the fact, regardless if the customer gets a worse product at first or not (not saying that of you, just generally).

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

You’re not wrong, but also the space that they would need on your hard drive to make the game really non-repetitive visually would be out of this world (pardon the pun). Also not so sure how that would work out on the consoles.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Armada for the Sega Dreamcast is also better than NMS.

How so? Honestly asking.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

and struggled with the mechanics…

Are you speaking towards the UI/UX, or the gameplay?

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

FOMO-leveraging shit needs to stop.

but seriously FUCK the games that leverage it.

No one likes to be manipulated/tricked for someone else’s profit.

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

You can procedurally generate textures, sounds and geometry

Does any game do that today? I’m not aware of any. ??

Another thing that compounds on the lack of planetary variation

That’s the same problem again, you need hard drive space for all that 3D variation.

As far as I know all the 3D stuff is what takes up the most space on the hard drive, and that stuff is never procedurally created. /shrug Maybe someday with AI??

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

You can procedurally generate textures, sounds and geometry

Does any game do that today? I’m not aware of any. ??

Today? No, I don’t think any game does it.

Well, my comment that you replied to was about a specific game that is already out, today. Hence, my point still stands.

Let’s hope that future hardware and games are aligned more with what you described, but today’s games do have limitations, based on the day and age they’re created in.

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I’m speaking about the 3D models and meshes, visuals.

Variety of planets/systems and various areas on planets is very poor just because of the amount of hard drive space needed for all of the models and meshes.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

“because having all those media resources as files makes the startup faster, memory usage down and is easier to modify and replace”

None of that matters, because you can load them in the background/parallel wise, as needed, which is what the game already does today.

But all of that takes space on the hard drive, which brings me back to the point I keep making.

My original comment…

You’re not wrong, but also the space that they would need on your hard drive to make the game really non-repetitive visually would be out of this world (pardon the pun)

, and what I keep replying back to comment on, is specifically about visuals, and variety in the planets, the areas of the planets, and the star systems, and the aliens. 3D models and meshes.

What you been describing is not 3D models and meshes, which is what takes up the majority of the hard drive space.

So, can you describe for me how the hard drive space for 3D models and meshes would be?

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

My brother in christ, what the fuck do you think i’ve been describing then?

Algorithms that use the models/meshes/etc., and not the models/meshes data themselves. Algorithms take up allot less space on the hard drive.

What I see is that you don’t understand how procedural generation works.

I’m a computer programmer. I’ve written that kind of code before (gotta love some Perlin noise). /sigh

Also, you’re not quoting me on that part, but someone else. I didn’t make any mention about a ‘Damaged Helmet in gitf format’ (or anything else in that text you quoted).

As is today, how do you think planetary terrain is generated?

It mixes/matches models (that have meshes, etc.) like Lego pieces to assemble the landscapes/things. If you want more new/varied worlds, you need more models/meshes. The algorithms are not going to create them, its going to just assemble the ones that already exist as files on the hard drive.

Edit: Funny enough, I’m currently downloading the update, all 7.48GB of it. The whole game takes up 14.69GB on my hard disk. I’m going to bet most of the update is the new stations look/variety, and not the logic code for mix-and-matching ship parts.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Many of us preordered

Never pre-order. Never. Just don’t fucking do it.

I’s bad for you and everyone else who buys video games.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah this whole thing may seem minor to some people but that’s what companies want you to feel. They’ll slowly slip in these greedy practices until it becomes the norm.

This is why it’s so important to push back on this crap.

Don’t buy these kind of games, and never pre-order any game.

And don’t listen to the shills/astroturfers telling you otherwise.

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I get what you mean, but 99.9% of the time I’m buying it day one anyway

Well, no one is saying you can’t buy it on day one, just don’t buy it on day minus one.

On the day it comes out you can just check some reviews first and then reaffirm your decision to buy, or you may hear about something you weren’t aware of, and then decide not to buy.

Also by doing this, you help all your other fellow gamers, by diminishing the importance of the pre-order and the shenanigans that go with it.

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

game sharing

Do family members have to be in the same residence, or can they be in different locations?

Edit: never mind got my answer from this comment.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I am convinced Funcom are great story tellers but awful mmo creators. See Anarchy Online, The Secret World, Conan Exiles. Great story telling. Terrible mmos.

I have some news for you…

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Online games are meant to be played with friends if one doesn’t want to encounter toxicity.

OR, companies can hire GMs and police their online environments, instead of just trying to increase quarterly profits.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Companies could just hire GMs and police their online environments, instead of just trying to increase quarterly profits.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

The game tracks your steps even without an internet connection, but you need a connection when you open the game.

Could you elaborate on the reasons why?

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Those that aren’t interested in the game after being let down may be best advised to refund and move on with their life.

It’s okay to hold a company responsible for the sale of a poor product. You don’t have to give them a free pass and just go away.

You can let them know what they did wrong, and if they’re smart, they won’t do the same wrong thing again, the next time they sell their next product.

And any human being on the planet, when they are not listened to, will become upset and rude. The point is for any company to strive for the win-win, and listen to their customers, and not just try to sell them the next bad product and repeat the same bad cycle.

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

For some reason people seem to experience the most rage, vocalization frustration, etc. when it comes to having their entertainment fucked with (whether pricing, content itself, etc).

You should never fuck around with the plebs and their ‘bread and circuses’, especially if your government is not doing well.

Companies can cause global recession or market crashes … or engage in flat out fraud, but those companies will never bring out the toxicity, death threats, entitlement, and communal anger

People are pissed off at inflation, the general cost of everything (including AAA games), laws and punishments not being applied evenly/fairly, etc., these days.

I think the latter part of your comment is a bit hyperbolic (especially part of your comment that I edited out when quoting it in my response).

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

For some reason it’s entertainment companies that draw a lot of vocal ire from consumers

Just repeating myself at this point, but to answer (again) your question…

You should never fuck around with the plebs and their ‘bread and circuses’, especially if your government is not doing well.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Your comment was vague.

It’s not, if you understand the concept/story of “bread and circuses”.

Both responses has a link to the wiki for it, that you can read up on, if you want further info on it.

what question did i ask?

I bolded it in both of my responses. It’s an implied, and not explicit, question.

Many players have become "patient gamers". What are games people might miss out on by waiting for sales? angielski

Sales follow the tradition of supply and demand. Products come out at their highest price because of expectations and hype. Then, as interest wanes, the publisher continues to make some sales by reducing price to tempt the less interested parties....

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I think the rare missed game via patience is very worth the ability for all of us to keep pressure on game companies to keep gaming prices down/lower, by waiting for sales/out-of-early-access, etc.

Voting with your wallet does work sometimes.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

It should be not just avoiding expenditure on bad games, but also volunteering it on good games.

I definitely agree on purchasing good games, but only as long as they’re reasonably priced.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Not available for Roku or webOS. That’s hardly “most smart devices”.

From this article…

Steam Link connects your device to any computer that’s running Steam.

Get it now for:

  • iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV (11.0+)
  • Android (5.0+) phone, tablet, & TV
  • Android users without access to Google Play
  • Raspberry Pi 3, 3+, & 4 *Windows
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Meta Quest 2, 3 and Pro

I wonder if you added up the percentage of ownership for all those devices listed above, versus all smart devices including Roku and webOS, what the numbers would look like.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

And the fact is they still make a mountain of cash every quarter, just by focusing on their customers.

“Win-Win” for the win!

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Lmao, it’s a Rick roll

TY for taking the bullet.

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Again for anybody working on their own games or who does software. Avoid this like the plague.

Learning from the code and reusing the same code are two different things. It’s not every day you get to see how the pros do it.

On a completely different subject, I’m curious about your username, could you elaborate on it?

Edit: I scrolled down. What is Stormlight?

Edit2: I scrolled down even more. [This says it the best].(lemmy.world/comment/6232601)

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Stormlight right?

Is that a game? A novel?

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Forgot to mention that you have to give them your phone number. That one really pisses me off.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Sinophobia? Bullshit. Being critical of the Chinese government is not being hateful towards its people. Find something better to be offended over.

Triggered much?

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

World of Warcraft set up all these euphemistic workarounds to circumvent the law while realistically changing as little as possible, basically defeating the purpose of it.

The only one I’m aware of is China’s cultural distaste for showing bones, so Blizzard had to hide the skeletal structure in the Undead player class. In other words, it wasn’t about the undead, it was only about showing bones.

What else did they do?

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Remember folks, Valve isnt the peoples company.

No corporation is “the peoples corporation”, but some corporations treat their customers with a lot more respect and fairness in pricing/policies than others.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism.

There was a time, long ago, where companies actually cared about their customers, and wanted to sell them good products while making a profit, and they strived for the win - win, and the “customer is always right” philosophy. They took their fair share, and they didn’t triy to squeeze every last dime out of their customers with crappy products.

Not that that they were saints by any stretch of the imagination (there were definitely bad players back then too) but there used to be a sense of ethics with Capitalism, in America at least, a sense of products being warrantied to work the way they should be and advertised as how they would actually work.

I have no effing idea how to get back to that state, as it seems like the “lunch for wimps” crowd are running the c-suites these days.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

They tried to change the deal retroactively because they felt they had a strong position

I’m honestly surprised that I have not seen by now a meme pic of Darth Vader telling Lando that the deal is being changed, but the face of Darth Vader is instead the CEO of Unity.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

This, so much of this.

WoW players doxxed the devs (lots of pizza was ordered) once, as they were pissed over real IDs being introduced to the account for the game.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Way to ruin a comedic moment.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I get the reference, I love that show, even though Bender may not approve, because I’m just a meat bag.

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