I had to stop playing long single player games because of time constraints. Having a full time job and family means little.time remains for free time and that free time is not consistent. So if I do try to start a big new game the next time I find time to go back to it I will have forgotten where the story was, what the controls were and very quickly give up on it and go back to quick pick up and play games.
This is great. It’s so good to have this game maintained by the community. I played this game so much as a kid and have returned to it many times since. I think I’m due another go! 😈
It makes sense. It may suprise a lot of people on here but their biggest market is not the people who demand 4k 60FPS in all games and will riot if they don’t get it. Their main market is kids playing FIFA and Minecraft and other casual gamers who just enjoy fun games at a reasonable budget. For that they really got it right with the Series S.
Close enough is fine with me, especially on a smaller screen. Imagine if it was like what we have with the Xbox Series S. It can play all the latest games just scaled down a little graphics wise, but not enough that most people would even notice the difference.