Trying out this Mastodon/Microblog thing. Had a customized TKL keyboard plate laser cut, 3D printed and painted a case, hand wired the switches, and added keycaps. Geekhack link. #mechanicalkeyboards#DIY#3dprinting
@Deceptichum I had three identical plates made, though one I modified very slightly. After accepting that I'd need to simply live with a split Left-Shift, it's been extremely usable.
Build 1 was BBC Micro inspired and is a simple flat sandwich with oak sides, DSA on the FRow, a Dolch-like "VSA" elsewhere, and Box Navies. This may still be the one I like typing on the most.
Build 2 was pre-lubed brown TTC, sloped 3d prints for the left and right, and stiff springs in the middle. In effect the entire board is a leaf spring. CSA keycaps from Amazon. This one has the double shift adjusted (courtesy of a dremel and a metal file) to be in line with what the ISO layouts do.
Entire writeup with pictures of all three are on my geekhack thread. They're all a little too rough around the edges to make sense as anything other than personal projects, but they are usable and do have their charms, and I love building these things from scratch.
Breslau attack! 🔥 ekipa tworząca niegdyś takie kapele jak EVIL, SELF HATE, USELESS, serwuje perfekcyjny #death#grind w najlepszym wydaniu... EPka, to siedem rozpierdalających mózg kawałków - brutal grind as fuck + gorzkie, refleksyjne teksty... 666% #DIY!
moim zdaniem jedna z najbardziej niedocenionych kapel #sludge na #DIY scenie!! COUNTERBLAST zostawia w tyle dziesiątki bandów i staje na równi z takimi dokonaniami, jak "A Sun That Never Sets", czy "The Eye of Every Storm", NEUROSIS... sludge-perła! 🔥
EXTINCTION OF MANKIND - Baptised In Shit (LP 1995) 🇬🇧
legendarny już LP, klasyka grania po linii AMEBIX / MISERY. mroczny, ciężki DIY #punk z #crust brudem i klimatycznymi zwolnieniami... jedna z bardziej wartościowych kapel grających taką muzę na scenie HC/punk / crust...
sopocki Enough! materiał-klasyk z 1996. ludzie z FILTH OF MANKIND i mocarny #metal#crust w klimatach STATE OF FEAR, EXTREME NOISE TERROR + male-female wokale. rozjeb! 🔥