ssamulczyk, 5 miesięcy temu angielski Yesterday was a surprising #RoadBike day… I was ready to go out with little Frank, but only then I’ve noticed a flat tire on my #gravel #bicycle. It simply was faster to change shoes than fix the flat… I didn’t even have time to dust the bike off…🤡😂 #Cycling #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #Szosa #LookMomNoHands #Poznan #Warta #Wartostrada #Shimano #DadOnBike #KidsOnBikes #ASMR #BikeToot #BikeTooter @cycling @rower video/mp4
Yesterday was a surprising #RoadBike day… I was ready to go out with little Frank, but only then I’ve noticed a flat tire on my #gravel #bicycle. It simply was faster to change shoes than fix the flat… I didn’t even have time to dust the bike off…🤡😂
#Cycling #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #Szosa #LookMomNoHands #Poznan #Warta #Wartostrada #Shimano #DadOnBike #KidsOnBikes #ASMR #BikeToot #BikeTooter @cycling @rower