Five Former Ubisoft Execs Arrested By Police For Questioning About Sexual Misconduct Allegations angielski

DocBlaze, (edited ) angielski starbreeze: payday 3 sucks donkey balls and nobody’s playing it.
naughty dog: okay, but we’re actually having to lay off people now.
epic games: sure, but so are we AND we’re also selling Bandcamp.
unity: whatever amateurs, I’m the one having the worst Q4 2023!
Ubisoft: snickers oh yeah? hold both my beers AND my shot glass.
Habahnow, angielski IDK why i thought in France, this type of behavior would be looked down upon a lot more than in the US. With that in mind, I’m surprised with what these people are accused with. Hope these guys get what they deserve (which doesn’t look good for them).
FracturedEel, angielski Are they based in France? I thought it was Montreal
PM_ME_FEET_PICS, angielski Ubisoft Entertainment is based in France. They have lots of smaller studios across the globle.
Ubisoft Montreal is one of those developers.
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