Mad Max for me. Story and stealth is better in DG, but the driving, vehicle combat and hand-to-hand combat is sooo much better in MM.
The car is basically a second character you upgrade throughout the game.
DG for me was too … Last of us-esque, without the memorable characters. Just an ok cover shooter with lots of stealth plus a vehicle, which was not very fun to drive or care about.
The combat is basically AC/Arkham/Shadow of Mordor, but holy shit do the animations make it satisfying. There's this gritty desperate quality to it I haven't seen anywhere else.
Days Gone is much better than Mad Max, which was still a good game. It’s a shame Days Gone launched with so many problems because the final product is so so good. Yeah the story is a just ok and the acting can be hammy and a little uneven. But the gameplay is great and I actually enjoyed the story.
I picked up Days Gone well after it released, and didn’t have the bugs, and got well and truly invested in it. Mad Max wasn’t a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but Days Gone felt like it had more content in the world. I loved both, but probably Days Gone.
Mad Max was decent, but it chose setting over gameplay with how insanely empty it is, and while car combat is fun, driving without the combat really isn't and there's a huge amount of it to make the big empty desert feel like a big empty desert.
I only played Days Gone and it was ok, but kind of glitchy and exploitable. It was one of those games where the boss battles have basically nothing to do with the regular gameplay loop which was super frustrating. Got stuck on the mega zombie boss fight and stopped playing.
Glitchy and exploitable how? And I’d say the boss fights fit perfectly in the regular game loop because every time you’d come to something like a boss fight it was really just introducing you to a new regular enemy type.
I remember the first time I fought the breaker, roid rage freak, and I burned through my entire stock of ammo and molotovs. And I never wanted to see one of those things again. But then they were added to the regular enemy spawns. Driving around at night, oh shit it’s a breaker. Cleaning out a nest, fuck it’s a breaker. The game kept the tension of exploring and fighting high by continually adding new challenges and as long as you kept going you’d get new ways to deal with those challenges.
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