For the three of us who bought a PSVR2, the foveated rendering they finally added with this update is fantastic. Still not as good as playing it on a TV, but so much better than the blurry mess it used to be.
Glad they included such an expansive space combat update in this release. For a while it seemed like ship combat was an afterthought, but this update really does add depth to it.
I bought NMS on release, even got a new PC for it and man was I disappointed by the missing content. Worse, after every time I tried to get back into it with some update my last efforts were broken. My base was broken or my home planet changed in a bad way or suddenly I had to manage a colony which I did not enjoy or my ship got lost due to a glitchy starbase. Every new patch I’m reminded of that and now I don’t bother to start it any more. I hope y’all have so much more fun with it than I had.
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