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TROPOS, niemiecki avatar

"Cross validations of the aerosol products and new developments with airborne high spectral resolution measurements above the Tropical during "- paper by
@TROPOS in discussion & under review for > / @esa @eurogeosciences

ChristaPertl, niemiecki avatar

Gestern war Josef Aschbacher, Generaldirektor der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation @esa und Alumnus @uniinnsbruck zu Gast in Innsbruck.

Astronautinnen: Wusstet ihr, dass aus 22.500 Bewerberinnen am Ende nur etwa 17 ausgewählt werden? Das Auswahlverfahren dauert zwei Jahre – wow!


Kultanaamio, niemiecki avatar

Die Expert:innen werden nicht müde zu betonen, dass der Asteroid 2024 YR4 keine ernsthafte Gefahr für uns darstellt. Tatsächlich nimmt ja die Wahrscheinlichkeit auch ab.

Dennoch hat mich interessiert, was denn getan werden kann, um Asteroiden abzulenken, die auf die Erde zusteuern. Richard Moissl von der @esa hat meine Fragen beantwortet.

kylecopas, avatar

Terrestrial facilities sign, @esa , Tor Vergata

Swedneck, avatar

Well why exclude them needlessly? Maybe they’d benefit from a nice private room to photosynthesize in with their portable growlights


Because it would imply that the facility can accommodate them, but we don’t know that it could.

adityadahiya, angielski avatar

Code exploring uses of free geographic data on Crop Land by @esa with {terra} in to compute % cropland in sub-districts.
Data: @esa
Full Code🔗
Tools ; {geodata} by
@nowosad et al

mcastel, angielski avatar

The journey of from @esa has not only changed our understanding of the Milky Way, but also transformed those of us who worked on this extraordinary mission. It’s been an adventure that made us question who we are and what we can achieve together. 🌌✨

A post for my @Vivaldi blog

sebastian, angielski avatar

500 kg, 2.5 meter from crashes into Mukuku village in Makueni county, -

It is claimed its sound could be heard from 200 km away.

Current identification says it is a from a

(and it does in fact resemble one) -

any experts here who recognize the make?

@space @planet4589
@nasa (more links in first comment)

sebastian, avatar


Not everyone is convinced, no -

"However, sky watching veteran and reentry tracker, Jonathan McDowell who works at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told Inside Outer Space that there is "no obvious space candidate. I am not convinced it's not from an airplane. Don’t see obvious evidence of reentry heating.""




Jonathan McDowell who works at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told Inside Outer Space that there is “no obvious space candidate

He has since revised his opinion after reviewing more data:…/3lezeu2zodk22

Well, my skepticism about the Kenya space debris may have been wrong. I reviewed the data again, concluding that Space Force estimates of the Ariane V184 upper stage reentry are unreliable; an assocation with this object can’t be ruled out.

He has a detailed writeup here:

IRAP, francuski avatar

[Pour le plaisir des yeux ... 🤩 ] Avez-vous vu ces images de la surface visible du - la - récemment acquises par les instruments embarqués à bord de la sonde de l' @esa ?

Ces trois images témoignent de la de notre Soleil - notamment, des mouvements de à sa surface, de l' de matière depuis les sombres le long des lignes de champ .

Infos+ :

Kultanaamio, niemiecki avatar

Der nächste Teil der Online-Serie zu Jobs, in denen sich Menschen neuen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit stellen: der Manager für Weltraumschrott.

Hier bei @techreview_de lest ihr das Kurz-Portrait über Stijn Lemmens von der @esa . Er arbeitet daran, die weitere Vermüllung der Erdumlaufbahn zu bekämpfen.



The next part of the online series on jobs in which people face new challenges of our time: the manager for space debris.The next part of the online series on jobs in which people face new challenges of our time: the manager for space debris.

Here at @techreview_de you can read the short portrait of Stijn Lemmens from @esa. He is working to combat further pollution of Earth’s orbit.

manyfaceted, angielski avatar

Today’s is ! EUCLID’S HORSE is a based on the first color image taken of the Horsehead Nebula by the ESA Euclid Telescope.


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