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saltesc, w Europe funds inflatable satellite drag sail demonstration

The system is designed to be initially 20 square centimeters in size but would inflate about 7,500 times larger to around 1.5 square meters, increasing atmospheric drag to accelerate deorbiting.

The only thing more impressive than seeing that expand out would be watching them pack it down.


Now I’m imagining bits of the sail bulging out of the rocket fairing like a hastily-packed sleeping bag at the end of a camping trip.


After decades of camping, I only recently found out most (modern) sleeping bags are actually meant to be stuffed in their bags, not rolled up. Just kinda keep stuffing it in there and they seem to naturally fill gaps better than if they were rolled up first, so they’re easier and much faster to pack away.

There’s a random LPT for ya.


Huh, TIL. Thanks!

threelonmusketeers, w Polish Space Agency President Sacked Over Falcon 9 Debris Controversy

This was not on my bingo card for this year.

threelonmusketeers, w Testing of Key Callisto Reusable Rocket Demonstrator Component Underway

Glad to see some reusable rocket projects in Europe!

cocolowlander, w When Europe needed it most, the Ariane 6 rocket finally delivered

Arianespace hasn’t publicly disclosed the cost for an Ariane 6 launch, although it’s likely somewhere in the range of 80 million to 100 million euros, about 40 percent lower than the cost of an Ariane 5. This is about 50 percent more than SpaceX’s list price for a dedicated Falcon 9 launch.

With more launch, the price per rocket should decrease, but making it cost competitive will be an important mission if EU wants to launch hundreds of satellites in the future.


With more launch, the price per rocket should decrease

Should it? Are you referring to amortizing the costs of development, or optimizing the production cost of each rocket? No portion of Ariane 6 is reusable, so it’s not like they can get more launches out of each rocket…


Are you referring to amortizing the costs of development

Yes, I was thinking more amortizing the costs of development which will definitely get cheaper the more launch happening, but I guess it’s also possible for optimization of production, although I’m not expecting much from that.

anindefinitearticle, (edited ) w When Europe needed it most, the Ariane 6 rocket finally delivered

Good for Europe!

Maybe right now with fascism on the rise again it’s time to re-examine your choice of name.

Europe’s best rockets always seem to have something Aryan about them.

EDIT: Timely, too


Most stupid take of the day!

Like lol.

anindefinitearticle, (edited )

Hey now! Day’s still young and I’m just getting started.

You don’t think that European rocketry’s Aryan history has anything to do with their current rockets being named “after the Greek myth of Ariadne but we conveniently left off the d”?

It’s been a bad name forever. It’s always made me a bit wary. As nazi imagery resurfaces, it’s time to move on from this name which is a relic of past nazism.


Those damn Ancient Greeks and their fascist rockets. /shakes fist

If your day is just starting, maybe you need a coffee. There’s a distinct difference between Aryan (or Aryen in French) and Ariane (or Ariane in French).

Different words in different languages sounding the same is a wild launch to a crusade in 2025. Wait until you hear about Ariana Grande… the most Grand of all the Aryans. I know the additional letters won’t fool you.

Bezier, avatar

Now that’s a stretch.


How so?

It’s the same name but with slightly different spelling.

Buzztiger, w When Europe needed it most, the Ariane 6 rocket finally delivered

So glad to see that Arianespace is back in business. At least now it is also abundantly clear that Europe needs its own and sovereign access to space.

hadek, w When Europe needed it most, the Ariane 6 rocket finally delivered avatar

I was so pumped the first ariane 6 launch, I grew up with watching ariane 4 launches and had a huge revell model kit in my room.

clothes, w CSO-3 launch thread! (Take two!)

Tout est nominal jusqu’à présent! Interesting how wobbly the fairings looked during separation.

Fingers crossed the engine relight is more successful than last time.

clothes, w CSO-3 launch thread! (Take two!)

I nominate Ariane 6 for the Cutest SRB Award.

clothes, w CSO-3 launch thread! (scrubbed)

Apparently there was an issue with ground equipment.

Due to further operations needed on a ground means interfacing with the launcher, the launch is postponed. The new launch date will be announced following the completion of these operations.

clothes, w CSO-3 launch thread! (scrubbed)

Launch postponed :( No details or NET yet.

Tar_alcaran, w SpaceForest Completes Full-Duration Test of Hybrid Rocket Engine

Soooo… What’s “hybrid” about the engine?


Fuel and oxidizer are different phases:

In the case of the SF-1000, it sounds like the fuel is a solid wax and the oxidizer is liquid nitrous oxide.

threelonmusketeers, w Solar Orbiter ready for close encounter with Venus

Today’s flyby will be the first to significantly ‘tilt’ the spacecraft’s orbit and allow it to see the Sun’s polar regions, which cannot be seen from Earth.

Huh, it never occurred to me that we haven’t seen what the Sun looks like from above or below the plane of the solar system.

threelonmusketeers, w ESA to Launch In-Orbit Refuelling Demonstration Mission

I wish they mentioned what propellant they’ll be testing. I’m assuming some hypergols or some gas for ion thrusters.

Venutianxspring, w ESA to Launch In-Orbit Refuelling Demonstration Mission

This is exciting news

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