Diplomjodler, Bummer. But this thing has been so inspiring. Can’t wait for the next Mars copter.
Rhaedas, angielski Between that or blimps on Mars and other planets, it's almost a given to have something with any new exploration. Just like rovers are so much better than a fixed location for a one-shot deal.
Chaser, A blimp doesn’t seem super feasible on Mars due to the low air pressure
Malgas, angielski But what about a Jovian blimp?
Chaser, Based on the gradient of pressures from the “surface” to the core, it’s entirely feasible. I’ve read about ideas for blimp colonies on Jupiter as well as Venus!
mipadaitu, angielski Mars, no. But Venus… That would work great.
nothacking, Well, it lasted longer then any of my drones do before I have to replace a propellor. (That might be a bit harder on Mars)
thisbenzingring, angielski Respect 07
danieljoeblack, angielski I can’t wait until we can either get these guys back, or eventually have a manned mission where they can be recovered and stored.They represent such a large achievement for humanity as a whole and symbolizes our desire to advance and learn.
5714, You’re grounded.
snausagesinablanket, A bipedal robot with a jet pack powered by Co2 is next.
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