Lots of great suggestions already but I want to throw in another recommendation for Splinter Cell. The series lost it’s identity later on, but Chaos Theory still holds up in my opinion with some great levels.
Man, this post brought me back memories of Unreal Tournament (and 2k4) and now I feel very nostalgic for all those custom maps and weapons. Used to spend so much time playing giant insta-gib deathmatches (and when I had all the time in my late-teens/early 20s). Wish that game is still supported.
What are your opinions on Xonotic? It’s a FPS that borrows many things from Quake and UT games, features a lot of modes and has an active online community, so I think it could provide a similar feel?
I used to play a ton of Quake 3 Rails only Instagib! I was hosting a Q3 server for a while not long ago, but just didn’t have the time to dedicate to it. Might be fun to spin up again. It would run 24/7 with bots so I’d just hop in and out during lunch downtime or something.
Came here to say Tinykin. Great game that nobody ever seems to talk about. Hard to recommend irl as well since the name makes it sound like a kid’s edutainment title or something.
I haven’t actually played it yet, but HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed has been in my Steam library for ages. That looks like it may scratch your itch …
I really miss some “toy soliders” 3D shoot-em-up that I can just baaaaaaarely remember from the 1990s … does anybody remember the game I’m thinking about? (There was definitely a series, I distinctly recall the name ending in “2” …)
There’s a survival game called Grounded that’s basically this but even smaller. And a coop story action/adventure called It Takes Two that does the same.
Not a shooter, but superliminal I think has a few levels that let you use portals to change your size, and there’s no limits on how many times you can do it, so you can shrink yourself to be microscopic to the point where you can fit inside a straw and it takes like a minute to walk to the end of the straw. Everything in the room is modeled to be quite detailed, so there’s also a chess board, and you can get on top of the rook piece and it’s like being on top of a castle.
I was actually being facetious. Maybe it seems like a throwback or whatever now, but back when DNF finally released, the “tiny player, big world” idea was rather played out. Duke Burger felt very dated and out-of-place in a game where you’re supposed to be this big macho badass because suddenly you can get stomped on or crushed by small kitchen objects. The level itself is a maze of almost entirely platform jumping puzzles and totally overstays its welcome. But I guess it looks kinda cool and does sort of break the monotony of a bad game.
Other games (and especially player-made maps) in the late 90’s did it much better. I especially remember custom levels for its predecessor, Duke Nukem 3D, that had a lot of fun with the shrunken player concept. HL and Quake too like you mention. Folks here also said de_rats in Counter Strike which might’ve been the pinnacle.