Indie studio Shiny Shoe has announced that Inkbound will be leaving early access with new character classes, an additional questline, extra worlds to explore, and more.
The Pokémon Company has made the surprise announcement of new spin-off game Pokémon Legends: Z-A and fans are excited about one element in particular: the return of Mega Evolutions.
Persona 3 Reload is seemingly getting the additional content from Persona 3 FES after all, with a datamine and end of game tease certainly suggesting it's in the works.
Stardew Valley (2016) było dla mnie jednym z tych tytułów, które zachwyciły każdego w moim otoczeniu, ale mnie jakoś nigdy nie skusiły. I dopiero gdy po latach dałem się namówić...Czytaj dalej
Mabinogi announced they're in the process of developing an engine update. A quick excerpt from the article introducing the Eternity Project by Min Kyunghun:...