I mean, obviously I’m biased, but Space Quest III just had one of the most amazing kick-ass soundtracks. Composed by Bob Siebenberg, the drummer from Supertramp!
Loom may not exactly be obscure by any standard, but I don’t see it being mentioned nearly as much as, say, Day of the Tentacle or Monkey Island. But it was a truly revolutionary way of reimagining the adventure game genre, and in a very early age of point-and-click. No inventory, single mouse click interaction, using spells...
Here, I’ll start. When I was 8 years old, my parents went to a dinner party and plonked me down in front of the host’s computer so I’d stay out of their way. The game they booted up to keep me occupied was Space Quest II. Little did they know what impact that would have on me…
I wanted to post this here since I want to help as much as I can in my own way to people coming here for the first time. I hope it is useful and helpful! I tried to assume low knowledge with the Fediverse in my responses which I collected here from a different post and assembled into a single article....
Hi everyone, You may have noticed a small change on the website. From now on, upvotes work just like on Lemmy - they are equivalent to Mastodon's "favourite." You can boost a post using the button that replaced "favourite." Another change is that you can now rate and boost your own posts. Boosting has a one-time effect - it...
In the most basic terms, the plot of visual novel "Steins;Gate" involves sending messages into the past in order to set changes in motion that will improve the present and future. Odds are that’s something that Shinobu Yoshida wishes he could do right now.
Jak w pytaniu. Jazda po ścieżce rowerowej będącej po lewej stronie wydaje mi się bez sensu, bo trochę tak jak bym jechał pod prąd. Ale może tak wcale nie jest?
Codziennie jeżdżę do pracy rowerem i tak jak chyba większość rowerzystów, przejeżdżam pasy (bez ścieżki rowerowej, tak, wiem, że jestem przestępcą). Większość kierowców chyba to ignoruje, bo w końcu mniej czekają niż kiedy, według prawa, zejdę z roweru i przejdę pasy pieszo. W cywilizowanych krajach, jak...