Is everything slow for you? angielski
Im getting back to dowloading Linux distros for the first time in over a decade…man have the times changed. I’m running qBittorrent with all the major repos including Jackett…but everything is downloading
Im getting back to dowloading Linux distros for the first time in over a decade…man have the times changed. I’m running qBittorrent with all the major repos including Jackett…but everything is downloading
Personally, I'm holding out hope that Alone in the Dark is good. Wreckreation is a game I could absolutely get into if it didn't smell like an always-online game with no local multiplayer. Loot games like Titan Quest are a genre I've been interested in dipping my toes into, but see the aforementioned fear about always-online and...
Ive been using newpipe but it crashes constantly. Im on android with no access to a computer.
Cotygodniowe informacje z kraju i ze świata (5-11 sierpnia 2023). ……/cotygodniowe-informacje-z-kraju-…
Who is the Last Ronin? In a future, battle-ravaged New York City, a lone surviving Turtle embarks on a seemingly hopeless mission seeking justice for the fam...
I was NOT expecting them to make a sequel to this game. It’s been over 15 years, hasn’t it?