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Podcast techspresso.cafe
Podcast techspresso.cafe
Demo Drug Dealer Simulator 2 zapowiada typowy budżetowy symulator, choć osadzony w robiącej wrażenie oprawie graficznej.
EA Sports WRC has dropped an enticing trailer for Season 2, offering a sneak peek into the latest developments awaiting players. The upcoming season brings a fresh rally location and an array of new customization items, promising an enhanced and immersive gaming experience for rally enthusiasts.
A recent announcement from game developer Naughty Dog has confirmed the cancellation of the highly anticipated multiplayer game based on The Last of Us. The cancellation comes after earlier reports of delays in the development of the project for the PlayStation 5.
cross-postowane z: szmer.info/post/1601070...
Prepare to set sail on a thrilling adventure as Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated co-op open-world pirate action RPG, unveils a trove of exciting gameplay details. Offering a deep dive into its dangerous world, player progression, naval combat, and intricate gameplay systems, this upcoming tit
Cotygodniowe informacje z kraju i ze świata (9-15 grudnia 2023). …wordpress.com/…/cotygodniowe-informacje-z-kraju-…
co tam w firmie brata bosaka?