O obniżkach stóp - Bezstronnie.pl (Blog członków Rady Polityki Pieniężnej - Koteckiego, Litwiniuka i Tyrowicz) (bezstronnie.pl)
“Ta baba jest krejzi person....
“Ta baba jest krejzi person....
Another day, another round of lay offs.
cross-postowane z: szmer.info/post/1343368...
Pegasus Game Boy istniał naprawdę. I można go było kupić w Polsce. Ale jest konsolą tak rzadką, że prawdopodobnie... mało kto z Was w ogóle o nim słyszał! W tym materiale zbieramy strzępki informacji na temat tego legendarnego urządzenia.
Expects “interventions” - including cuts to products, office space and jobs - to be made in the next six months.
Today, additional performance improvements for components are in progress, which I aim to implement before enabling the API to ensure Piotr has a bit of a more peaceful sleep ;-). In the coming days, there will be quite a few of these adjustments, and I will pause updates to instances for a few days to thoroughly test the...
The Game Awards has announced its nominees for 2023, as selected by a global jury of more than 100 media publications and influencer outlets.
We got a first look at the Pax Dei alpha focusing on the PvE and more peaceful aspects of the game ahead the test.