So, I have used spotify premium for a long time and want to switch to using MP3 files. Is there a way I can find all of the songs I downloaded using SF Premium and copy them to a drive? TIA Comrades
Arrrr my fellow pirates, I wanted to install Starfield, but I seriously don’t know how. I already downloaded a .rar file, but I don’t know what else to do with it. I run Arch Linux.
I apologize in advance because I’m sure these probably feel like some stupid and duplicate questions. However, my attempts to find answers to these online have been met with answers that are sparse, oftentimes old (8+ years), and conflicting. I am looking into getting a seedbox. I decided to go with Whatbox because they seem...
Zych wydała później oświadczenie, w którym nazwała prezydenta Rosji “zbrodniarzem wojennym”. Dodała, że potępia “brutalną agresję Rosji na Ukrainie”. Kiedy jednak ogłoszono, że nie będzie kandydatką opozycji w wyborach, owo oświadczenie usunęła....
Relatively new to this but, I finally got my media server up and working! I want to improve the success of the search function though. Is there a way to know if content is on usenet but my indexer is not good enough? I would rather steer clear of torrenting for now. How do I go about finding good indexer?