W czwartek Sąd Okręgowy w Warszawie uchylił decyzję prezydenta stolicy Rafała Trzaskowskiego, zakazującą organizacji demonstracji pod hasłem “Ani jednej bomby więcej - wolna Palestyna”....
Today, I started preparations for a more extensive code refactoring. The changes won't be immediately visible, but they will significantly impact the future development of the project. This includes improving the functioning of federation, with a particular focus on collaborative remote content moderation. This will likely take...
Super Mario RPG is rated 'Mighty' after being reviewed by 35 critics, with an overall average score of 85. It's ranked in the top 7% of games and recommended by 97% of critics.
Z pocztówki fotograficznej wydawnictwa Polskiego Towarzystwa Księgarni Kolejowych “RUCH” S. A. (pisownia placu oryginalna). J. Wołyński, ze zbiorów Mikołaja Stępniewskiego, koloryzacja Mariusz Zając....
Today, I continue working on optimization and eliminating weak points in the platform. The work on the "support us" page has turned into a refactoring of the mechanism of static pages, which will be usable in the future ;) I have also launched a new project website by @cody, which has been waiting for its turn for a long time....