Powerful X-class solar flare slams Earth, triggering radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean (www.space.com) angielski
Do the "Ernest needs to add more maintainers to KBin!" comments remind anyone else of the xz social engineering malarkey? (kbin.social) angielski
Comments such as:...
Wybory w Turcji. Triumf świeckiej opozycji nad partią Erdogana (wydarzenia.interia.pl)
[Materiał prima-aprilisowy] Sposoby na problemy ze snem po przejściu na czas letni. Numer 4 Cię zaskoczy (www.internet-czas-dzialac.pl)
cool strategy guide for The 11th Hour, told in-character as a story (archive.org)
Similar to the strategy guide for The 7th Guest I posted a while ago: programming.dev/post/9424024
Some Hugo Finalist Afterthoughts (whatever.scalzi.com) angielski
Happy Easter and/or International Trans Day of Visibility and/or Sunday, whichever of the three (or whatever combination thereof) you feel is applicable to you. It’s been a couple of days sin…
Kolejne referendum w Katalonii? "Dla premiera Hiszpanii wiążąca jest sprawa utrzymania władzy" (jedynka.polskieradio.pl)
FaZe NEO vs NAVI Xirreth w finale Majora. Który polski trener będzie górą? (cybersport.pl)
W wielkim finale PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 FaZe Clan Filipa "NEO" Kubskiego podejmie NAVI Uli "Xirreth" Klimczak.
Inflacja spadła, libki w szoku - Wolnelewo (wolnelewo.pl)
Tajwan padnie ofiarą Chin? "Xi Jinping ma ambicje większe niż Mao" (wiadomosci.wp.pl)
Inwazja na Tajwan to kwestia czasu? Chiny zbudowały makietę Tajpej na poligonie wojskowym (forsal.pl)
The Best 80s Sci-Fi Movies With Weird Superheroes (www.flickeringmyth.com) angielski
Come for the Toxic Avenger, stay for Condorman!
Dobrych Świąt życzy Marszałek Sejmu! (www.youtube.com)
Question: what would infrastructure for caustic soda locomotives look like if they had seen mainstream use? angielski
Soda locomotives saw very limited use, and though I’ve found some awesome photos and descriptions thanks to the research of enthusiasts online, I haven’t really found anything describing what exactly the process of draining the probably-boiling-hot caustic slop from the locomotive and refilling it with water and fresh...
[LV] "Līgo" - Ārijs Šķepasts, chór SŌLA (www.youtube.com)
Progress Continues on Europe’s Gateway Space Station Contributions (europeanspaceflight.com) angielski
France Expected to Commit €400M to Support Four Launch Startups (europeanspaceflight.com) angielski
CNES Boss Blames Contractors for Ariane 6 Being Too Expensive (europeanspaceflight.com) angielski
Event Horizon Telescope reveals magnetic fields around the Milky Way’s central black hole - NASASpaceFlight.com (www.nasaspaceflight.com) angielski
Daily Telescope: Peering into the remnants of an 800-year-old supernova (arstechnica.com) angielski
[Eric Berger] Seeing this eclipse is probably the highest-reward, lowest-effort thing one can do in life (arstechnica.com) angielski
Daily Telescope: A protostar with a stunning protoplanetary disc (arstechnica.com) angielski
So I really am the cancer on this platform (kbin.social) angielski
Noticed I got banned by the admins from lemmy.world shower thoughts yesterday. The admins have an interesting reason though....
8 Best Sci-Fi Anime Series To Watch If You Love The Future (www.msn.com) angielski
Who doesn’t love a well-written sci-fi series? Thanks to the curiosity about the unknown and unexplored technology, the genre is popular for keeping viewers glued to the screens. Hit franchises like Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien and The Matrix are some prime examples. However, sci-fi is no longer restricted to live-action...