Wysłanie Reprezentacji Polski w Tetrisie na Mistrzostwa Świata | zrzutka.pl (zrzutka.pl)
Polscy zawodnicy mają pojechać na MŚ w Tetrisie do Portland w październiku. Niestety, stracili dofinansowanie i internauci są proszeni o pomoc.
Polscy zawodnicy mają pojechać na MŚ w Tetrisie do Portland w październiku. Niestety, stracili dofinansowanie i internauci są proszeni o pomoc.
Teledysk na Youtube
Multiple editions of NBA 2K24 are available to pre-order now, coming to PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Switch in September with cross-play between next-gen consoles.
This girls dad build a custom controller so she can play Zelda Breath of the Wild. Look how happy she is....
Jakà aplikacje uzywać do szmer.info
Red Hat (teraz IBM) znany z przejmowania i ubijania projektów open source, chyba poczuł się na tyle bezkarna aby odważyć się zamknąć kod źródłowy RHEL oraz zastrzec że nie może być dystrybuowany co jest pogwałceniem licencji GPL Linuksa.
Peter Molyneux is at it again with hyping up his next game as the greatest thing ever made
Recently mullvad stopped the port forwarding, are there some other trustworthy VPN to do Torrenting out there or others solutions to do torrenting with Mullvad?
It’s inevitable that we all will play Dave the Diver by the end of this month. Well, maybe that’s a bit of hyperbole, but the adventure RPG has certainly made a huge splash on Steam since launching last month.
Shuji Utsumi, Sega’s co-CEO, comments in a new statement that there is no point in implementing blockchain technology if it doesn’t make games ‘fun’. Sega...
crosspostato da: feddit.it/post/615709...
There’s a Kickstarter going for an industrial rock reimagining of the 7th Guest and 11th Hour soundtracks, released on vinyl, with the blessing of The Fat Man himself! And there’s a bunch of work-in-progress previews posted so you can get an idea of the sound they’re going for. Seriously cool stuff!
Starbreeze Studios explains how the weapon progression system works and reveals some of the gadgets we can use in heists. On sale next September 21.
I watch a fair amount of series, but I’m not a data hoarder. I see the value in 2GB episodes, but I watch most series on my laptop, my simple 1920x1080 tv or even my phone where that value doesn’t make a difference. If I want to have a theater experience, I’ll go to the theater....