Strange Colorful XBOX 360 Games #13 (@RebelTaxi) ( angielski
Some forgotten games featured. Hard to believe 360 is becoming retro.
Some forgotten games featured. Hard to believe 360 is becoming retro.
Hi everyone. Does anyone know of a guide or software to convert jpeg files into CBZ format? I download a lot of manga but most of the time the files are packed in a zip and they are all jpegs of each page of the manga. This makes it a bit of a pain to read so I would rather organize them and just make the whole volume into one...
From: ……/gov.uscourts.nysd.537900.214…...
In 1996 into 1997 we were playing all of the other games. Tod started a game of Deadlands and I recall I went the opposite way than the rest of the players. Everyone else was making extremely effec…
Looking at you, streamers and angry defenders of Japanese ‘fanservice’ games.
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To be clear, this is just a joke, and I don’t look down on direct downloading. It absolutely has its place, and sometimes I do it myself if it’s just faster to download a file directly. Torrenting is just so much more convenient, though, especially when using Jackett’s manual search.
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Walczę w tej chwili z magisterką; do końca czerwca sierpnia muszę złożyć skończoną całość, a realnie mam może 3/4 jednego rozdziału, około 25 stron tekstu. Nie odwlekałem, mój problem wynika z tego, że zmieniałem studia, magisterkę pisze nawet nie na innym kierunku, ale zupełnie w innej dziedzinie niż...
Listen up, futuristic gamers and mouse aficionados! 🎮🖱️ Are you tired of your gaming mouse dragging behind like a snail with a backpack? W...
Attention, rhythm rebels! 🎸 Get ready to rebel against high prices with Amazon's headphone deals. No more silent disco – it's time to turn ...
Is there a way to speed up extraction of 40+gb 4k videos? This is by far the most time consuming part of the process and I was wondering if there was any hardware acceleration or even multi cpu way of speeding this up....
I have never played another FPS that had a mode like this, and it was so damn fun and self-balancing....
Hej, ostatnio myślałem nad lemmym i stwierdziłem że brakuje mi w nim funkcji, która jest powszechna w platformach typu reddit. Tą funkcją jest łatwość znalezienia informacji. Jeżeli np. szukam odpowiedzi na jakieś pytanie to po wpisaniu go do wyszukiwarki, to pierwsze parę wyników pochodzi z centralizowanych stron...
The classic-style action RPG will keep its signature dual-class mechanics.
Looking for preferably FOSS programs to torrent, categorize, and play content....
Bungie makes the right call with a tough situation, as they have recast Lance Reddick's Zavala with a new actor.
The game I cannot ever let go is Top Secret/S.I. The game comes up a lot in my RPGaDay posts. Just two days ago we talked about the novels. TSSI was nearly my first game and I suppose it remains my…