Blizzard Releases Episode 1 Of Genesis, A New Overwatch 2 Anime Series ( angielski
Blizzard has released the first episode of its new Overwatch 2 miniseries, Genesis....

Blizzard has released the first episode of its new Overwatch 2 miniseries, Genesis....
No idea what happened to his NFT grift that banked him over $40M. But on to the next one I guess.
It's been two days since I originally posted the final name poll, votes have stopped coming in, and the winner is Kibby!...
Dears Twinsunians,...
Decyzja o ograniczeniu eksportu dwóch metali ziem rzadkich to problem dla Unii Europejskiej, której zielona transformacja ma opierać się właśnie na tych pierwiastkach
Hi! I wanted to start to hoard my favorite tracks in the best possible quality. A lot of stuff is available through Deezer or Tidal i know, but what sources are you guys using when FLACs for particular albums or songs cannot be found on Deezer or Tidal? I wanted to get the Rock n Roll Train song from ACDC in FLAC, but Tidal...
Honestly, I’ve been really enjoying making these, probably the most I’ve been excited to model something for months. So I exchanged some sleep for a faster turnaround :) Previous post here...
Ubisoft explains how it has collaborated with institutions, museums, historians and experts to develop the ‘Baghdad Story’ mode for Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
A well organized description of how a GriGri works, and when it fails. Based on good physics, not a lot of math in the video itself....
I just finished playing Wanted:Dead and while it has a lot of issues I had fun with it. It had campy cutscenes, bad voice acting, and bugs galore. But I liked what it was going for. It was like a mix of 360 era 3rd person shooter and a PS2 era slasher action game....
I’d recommend watching the video so you can get Tim’s own take on this, emotions and all....