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Ys: X shows off Cross Action and Mana Action with a brand new trailer ahead of release on Nintendo Switch.
Cosy life sim MMO Palia is now available in public beta. The free-to-play game has been in development for five years a…
Play your cards right
Atomic Heart: Annihilation Instinct still looks the goods, but its linear approach and weirdly limited arsenal is a step down from where we left off.
Saul Gascon, head of Hexworks, the company in charge of the development of Lords of the Fallen, reveals in a recent interview the playtime that players can
Wojsko zgubiło zapalnik pocisku. Wiceszef MON szczerze: szukanie igły w stogu siana
Elton John defini' Nik Kershaw come uno dei migliori autori/compositori degli anni 80, e scartabellando tra i suoi pezzi, famosi e meno, si puo' capire perche'....
The strict time limits China imposed on how long under-18s can spend playing video games had no effect on heavy gaming generally, according to a study of 7 billion hours of playing time
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