George Lucas Explains Why You’ll Never See A 4K Restoration of A New Hope ( angielski
The ones who were there 47 years ago remember it clearly: Han shot first. But in nearly every version of 1977’s Star Wars: A New Hope that you can find today, Harrison Ford’s charming smuggler was a little slow to the trigger in his face-off against Greedo — one of the many changes that director George Lucas made to the...
Władze na Tajwanie: rozgromimy Chiny jednym przyciskiem (
Polskie służby znalazły osiem zapalników, które miały wywołać kolejny pożar (
Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny wnioskuje o aresztowanie Netanyahu, Sinwara, Gallanta i Hanieyh'a w związku ze zbrodniami wojennymi w Strefie Gazy (
Lewica oszukała ubogich Polaków. Ludzie w głębokiej biedzie zostaną bez wsparcia [OPINIA] (
Ogromny pożar na Śląsku. Słup dymu widoczny z daleka (
Księżniczka sztuki polskiej. Mąż zamknął ją w zakładzie dla obłąkanych (
I'm seeing more microblog posts ( angielski
Is anyone else? One of the reasons I was interested in /kbin over other options was this feature, but I don't remember seeing them on subscribed or all. Is this new? I'm kind of intimidated by it but ultimately know I want to interact. I'm seeing some cool stuff! It's all on magazines I have subscribed to.
Oh Ye Gods, A New Matrix Movie Is in the Works ( angielski
Drew Goddard (The Martian, The Cabin in the Woods) will write and direct the new movie, with series co-creator Lana Wachowski executive producing.
Quick April Update ( angielski
Hello everyone, I hope your holiday period passed peacefully. The status page is ready, and I'll soon put it online. I've also made some improvements to the new project website, which will be replaced shortly. Today, by the end of the day, two moderators will also appear, more about which will be in a separate post. You can...
Multiple questions regarding Kbin ( angielski
Hi, as a new Kbin/Mbin user, I have some questions regarding its use. I hope you can help me out....
What's The Difference Between a "Collection" and a "Magazine"? ( angielski
I noticed it's 'slash c' but 'slash m'
Since no upvotes are possible, the 'Hot' and 'New' pages of Kbin should show the same content. That's kinda awesome ( angielski
Browsing by new was great in the early days of the first Kbin expansion, right after the reddit migration. I got to see all sorts of posts from interesting communities. Things you wouldn't normally see browsing under 'Hot'. Eventually, as thread numbers increase, I found myself using 'Hot' almost exclusively because it delivered...
If kbin is going down for planned maintenance can the generic ‘ Over the next few days, there will be a change in server infrastructure…’ text at least be dated ( angielski
It’s impossible to tell if there is an actual server upgrade, or they have just gone down, displaying the message from last time.
/kbin quick March update ( angielski
I'm slowly catching up with backlog tasks and cleaning up instances, but there's still quite a bit to do. Day by day, I'm managing to work longer hours, but I still need some time to ramp up the intensity of work. Just wanted to let you know that there might be brief downtimes in instance operation over the weekend. I aim to...
Dramat w polskich górach. "Jak wyjdziemy na zero, będzie dobrze" (
Trzecia Droga: Nie będzie zmian w składce zdrowotnej, to nie będzie koalicji (
Zmienimy zasady poboru składki zdrowotnej dla przedsiębiorców. To bezwzględna i niepodlegająca negocjacjom umowa. Jeśli tego nie będziemy mogli zrealizować, nie podpiszemy się pod innymi projektami - zapowiedział szef PSL Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz....
Fans Are Sharing The Most Frustrating Scenes In All Of 'Star Wars' ( angielski
Star Wars is a beloved franchise that has delighted fans for decades, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. However, sometimes things you love can have flaws. In this case, MAJOR flaws, frustratingly major flaws. Fans are sharing which scenes in the Star Wars movies they find...
Jest projekt aborcyjny Trzeciej Drogi. Powrót do lat 90. jak gdyby nigdy nic (
Dune: The History Of The Spacing Guild Navigators ( angielski
Many new concepts and ideas are introduced in the earliest chapters of the series, but a key part of the Dune universe is the Spacing Guild Navigators. In a universe that thrives on interstellar travel, this group holds a pretty important position. They don't usually take center stage, but their lore and history are as dense as...
Ostatnie protesty rolników budziły skojarzenia z czasami Andrzeja Leppera. To z pewnością największa mobilizacja rolników od czasów wejścia Polski do Unii Europejskiej (UE) w 2004 roku. Jednak pomimo pewnego anturażu przypominającego wielkie mobilizacje chłopstwa 20-30 lat temu, dzisiejsze wystąpienia mają innych...
USA: Firma sprzedała dane o lokalizacji odwiedzających 600 klinik aborcyjnych grupie pro-life (
Jak ogłosił we wtorek senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), polityczna organizacja pro-life uzyskała od brokera dane dotyczące lokalizacji telefonów komórkowych i wykorzystała je do kierowania reklam do osób, które odwiedziły 600 klinik aborcyjnych w całym kraju....
Polscy mężczyźni umierają młodo i częściej popełniają samobójstwa. Szokujące dane GUS (
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's director wants series vets and newbies alike to be surprised by its twist and turns, seeing the remake as more than 'just a callback' ( angielski
Don't call it a comeback.