A look at the latest Humble Choice, including Disco Elysium - The Final Cut, Chivalry 2, Road 96, Trek to Yomi, Arcade Paradise, SuchArt: Genius Artist Simulator, Tin Can, Hot Brass
Here is the set we played at Sunrise Festival together with Jacob A. on vocal. Enjoy it, like we did! 🔴 More about Tommy: https://www.instagram.com/tommy_gu...
It's a huge open world experience, available in VR (but not required), in a retro-futuristic cyberpunk slum. Hundreds of crimes and stories to solve, lots of places to explore, AI companions to get, the flying car, tons more....
Shantae Advance: Risky Revolution is back in development after nearly 20 years! This lost Shantae sequel fills in the gaps between the original Shantae (2002...
Dzięki rozwijającym się technologiom i ogromnemu potencjałowi kart graficznych, naukowcy mają dzisiaj możliwość eksploracji i odkrywania rzeczy, które jeszcze kilkanaście lat temu wydawały się nieosiągalne. Karty graficzne stały się narzędziami, które pozwoliły przekroczyć granice wyobraźni, nie tylko w...
Think of the game as Vampire Survivors, but instead of you having to move and all the skills are passively activated, now you just stay in one place, but you must actively use the skills. That makes sense because the game has tower defense theme, as the name suggested. There is another difference though, it’s how players...
I try to cycle to 200 km to London using my Ridgeback electric bike, towing a solar panel behind me to charge the battery. Along the way things don't exactly go as planned, and I learn some lessons about low carbon transport.