Gary Graham, best known for playing Detective Matthew Sikes in Alien Nation and Soval, the Vulcan ambassador to Earth in Star Trek: Enterprise, has died aged 73.
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth is rated 'Mighty' after being reviewed by 70 critics, with an overall average score of 90. It's ranked in the top 1% of games and recommended by 100% of critics.
Elity z Indii nie raz z dumą określały swój kraj mianem największej demokracji na świecie. Nawet jeśli tak było, dziś powoli staje się to przeszłością. W kraju coraz mocniej dochodzi do głosu gwałtowny hinduski nacjonalizm, a rzekomo świeccy politycy brutalnie wykorzystują religię do zdobycia przewagi nad...
A bit of new gameplay has come in for Princess Peach: Showtime. Footage was posted on the official Japanese site with various clips. To make things more convenient, we’ve rounded it up into a single video. All of the transformations are showcased. These include the new cowboy and ninja transformations, which were revealed...