Metrorower zaraz skończy 100 dni. Ponad 200 tysięcy dokonanych w tym okresie wypożyczeń to całkiem niezły bilans otwarcia, choć wciąż jeszcze daleko do…
Dziś chciałbym polecić artykuł polemiczny, który dotyczy tematu gorącego. Ustawa uznająca język śląski za język regionalny została przyjęta przez Sejm i Senat i oczekuje na podpis prezydenta RP. Jak zwykle, kiedy sprawa wywołuje zainteresowanie społeczne i budzi emocje, internet huczy od opinii. W czasach...
I watched it in theaters yesterday and enjoyed it! Beautiful post-apocalyptic imagery, decent writing, great digital graphics, great story boarding. I’m always excited for sci fi epics and this scratched that itch....
If, like me, you also played the demo, you'll be pleased to know that Synergy's early access adds many more buildings, vegetation, exploration, and decorations. I was surprised to see just how big the research trees had become, with eight branches and around 60 different aspects to research, including new buildings, ways to...
Can I ask how everyone personally feels about using nuclear material for space exploration? For the rovers heating elements it will be just a couple of grams but for generating electricity via a RTG a spacecraft would require several kilograms of radioactive material.