Railroad Workers United (RWU), a caucus of rank-and-file workers spanning all thirteen national rail unions, recently released a video offering one answer to the rotten state of US rail. “Putting America Back on Track: The Case for Public Rail Ownership” opens in East Palestine, with a resident of the area showing the viewer...
Many new concepts and ideas are introduced in the earliest chapters of the series, but a key part of the Dune universe is the Spacing Guild Navigators. In a universe that thrives on interstellar travel, this group holds a pretty important position. They don't usually take center stage, but their lore and history are as dense as...
Kbin seemed tio take a nice long sleep there. I almost assumed it had fallen over for good. I Really hate the generic, undated 'over the next few days we are working on servers' mesesage.
Tusk i jego libkowa ferajna postanowili przeczołgać partyjną Lewicę. Celowo najpierw zaproponował wspólny start w wyborach, a potem pokazał im drzwi i startu nie będzie....