Nightingale is Survival of the Grandest Scale | Gamescom 2023 ( angielski
It would appear has blocked this community ( angielski
!piracy has also been blocked from
PlayStation Portal will not work with bluetooth headphones (
If you’re planning on buying a PlayStation Portal and are wanting to use wireless headphones then I have bad new for you....
Where do you have your VPN setup? angielski
I’ve moved my Plex server to Truenas Scale, and I’m about to get Sonarr/Radarr/Ombi/etc setup, but first I need to get VPN going. Truenas Scale uses OpenVPN and my current VPN service is ExpressVPN (which I’ve been very happy with). Setting up ExpressVPN with Truenas has proven challenging because of certificate import...
Factorio: Space Age ( angielski
#CyberMagazyn: Kto pierwszy dostanie karę? Już obowiązuje unijny Akt o usługach cyfrowych (
Real Debrid is Down angielski
For maintenance…this sucks.
Dreadwolf's Delays Are Impacting The Next Mass Effect ( angielski
Speaking on a Giant Bomb podcast, Jeff Grubb explored how Dreadwolf's constant delays are also impacting the next Mass Effect game.
Ryszard Petru proponuje wyższy wiek emerytalny dla kobiet i niższy dla mężczyzn (
How to pirate movies casually? angielski
Normally I don’t have much time to watch movies, and for the occasional one Netflix is good enough. But once a coupple of years there is a specific one I want to see which is not on Netflix....
Nauczycielka w szkole w Indiach każe dzieciom bić muzułmańskiego chłopca (
Wzrasta dyskryminacja muzułmańskich dzieciach w szkołach w Indiach. Rząd Modiego nakręca spiralę przemocy....
Michał „rysiek” Woźniak: Wykorzystanie deepfejków w kampanii wyborczej jest nieodpowiedzialne i niebezpieczne (
Stworzenie i promowanie przez PO deepfejka premiera Morawieckiego w ramach kampanii wyborczej jest przekroczeniem Rubikonu
How can I find my schools Adobe Premiere/Photoshop Elements 2020 key?
Is it even possible? Another question, Why does my school even use software from 3 years ago?
Zbuntowani działacze PSL mogą pogrzebać pakt senacki (
Trump - cztery aresztowania. Nic sobie z tego nie robi (
Wigura w „TAZ”: Polska musi rozwiązać problem migracji (
Rosyjski hymn i przemówienie Putina. PKP po paraliżu na kolei zawiadamia ABW (
Anti-Piracy Lessons Enter the School Curriculum: Are You a Thief? ( angielski
Moonlight - Meren Re (
Wonderful music that is not found on striming services.
What apps/programs should I get angielski
I’ve figured out how to pirate stuff for a while now, but it only recently came to mind that I could get premium versions or paid programs for stuff that I’ve been avoiding for years....
Prowlarr question angielski
Hey everyone! So I’ve setup successfully Sonarr, Radarr and Bazaar and they all communicate to each other fine. One think I can’t understand why, is that when I search from Prowlarr and forward the downloads to SABnzbd, after the download is done, Sonnar and Radar will not import the files to their database, but the...
Dome-King Cabbage Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer - Future Games Show at Gamescom 2023 ( angielski
Dome-King Cabbage is a visual novel set in the world of a monster-collecting RPG, and we were over the moon to debut a magnificent trailer revealing that it’s coming soon to PC and Nintendo Switch.
[SOLVED] - Stremio - RealDebrid taking down shows? angielski
SOLVED: RD is in maintenance....