Starfield leaker arrested for felony theft after attempting to sell early copies ( angielski
Mercari listings for Xbox Starfield discs sold for $200 and up.
The History Of Sunrise 2023 - Live Show (
Cała zawartość tego filmu jest objęta prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie, reprodukowanie lub publikowanie tego filmu w całości lub fragmentach na innych kanałach...
What's the best way to rip music off Spotify so that I can store it on my HDD? angielski
As per title. New releases especially are quite hard to find on other clients or p2p resources; what’s the best way to get them from the source so that I can share them back?
Lara Croft will be joining Call of Duty as an Operator in September ( angielski
The Tomb Raider lead character will appear as an Operator in the Season 5 Reloaded content release, which also includes rapper 21 Savage and Mace from
Even Small Towns are Great Here (5 Years in the Netherlands) ( angielski
njb latest video
Nintendo Switch Has Surpassed The Wii's Lifetime Sales In The US (
Nintendo’s Switch has just achieved another sales milestone. Although worldwide hardware sales of the hybrid system surpassed Wii sales some time ago, there’s been an update in the US.
HAŃBA / HIOB DYLAN | Warszawa (
What have you played on Gamepass last week? Any recommendations? angielski
As per my other post, a weekly post to share what you’ve played on Gamepass would be cool....
Everything for Gaming Setup: Up to 50% Discount on Amazon in August ( duński
Amazon's August Discounts : Uncover amazing savings in August on Amazon, with discounts of up to 50% on essential gaming items. We've handp...
[DF] Immortals of Aveum PS5/Xbox Series X/S: Unreal Engine 5 is Pushed Hard - And Image Quality Suffers ( angielski
Update (26/08/23): While both PS5 and Xbox Series X use the same native resolutions, it's worth noting there is a sharper end result on PS5 overall in comparisons. The base 720p image only plays one part here for each - and potentially we're looking at a different use of post processing. We'll update again once we have...
how do I watch British and Irish tv channels for free unlimited angielski
id prefer that sky channels are included
Ukraina: Rosjanie zabili w Mariupolu prawie 100 tys. ludzi (
Gniew w Libii. Reakcja na spotkanie z izraelskim ministrem (
Giertych będzie musiał poprzeć prawo do aborcji? Zwrot akcji w sprawie nowego kandydata KO (
Chiny przyjadą na brytyjski szczyt AI mimo sprzeciwu sojuszników (
Proces Trumpa odbędzie się 4 marca 2024 r. (
Lepiej wspierać podaż mieszkań niż ich popyt (
Spięcie radnego KO z radnym PiS. „Proszę mi nie wyrywać telefonu!” (
where do yall go for your gaming coverage/pods? angielski
Giant Bomb - great coverage, funny, not problematic. wide range of content, amazing chemistry, two awesome podcasts plus game mess mornings...
Has anyone tried MovieBoxPro in Chromecast? angielski
Looks like this requires an invite code before you can download the APK. Not yet sure, but it may require (cheap?) payment to access content. I wanted to know if this app can be sideloaded to Chromecast google TV. Has anyone tried it?
ProMED issues ultimatum to striking moderators, as questions about site’s future persist ( angielski
The moderators, subject matter experts who are paid a nominal stipend for curating and contextualizing the numerous infectious diseases reports ProMED posts to its website and pumps out to its mailing list daily, have been on strike since early August....