Sennheiser Exits Gaming Headphone Business ( angielski
Technically the successor owner of their gaming brand....
Technically the successor owner of their gaming brand....
Any way to get an invite from CGPeers or to get Plasticity? Im getting into 3D art and I need some programs.
Podobno w mediach głośno jest o wynikach sondażu, według którego kandydaci idą łeb w łeb a spora część ankietowanych wyraża przekonanie że Biden jest za stary żeby po raz drugi zostać prezydentem....
Does anyone know the best way to route traffic from transmission through Mullvad?...
I used to like open world games that would take 50+ hours to beat but I feel like as I get older these games can be intimidating to even start and I often get sidetracked with other games frequently only getting half to three quarters of the way through....
Gearbox is reportedly the latest studio to be affected by Embracer Group's restructuring efforts....
The Life Is Strange saga is expanding again in the form of Life Is Strange: Forget-Me-Not, a comic series set after the events of True Colors. heck out our exclusive cover art reveal....
The most recent Kill Switch master list change details a variety of features and perks disabled in Dead by Daylight in order to resolve a popular survivor exploit. This means that if you’ve experienced it or have even used the technique at some point to become invincible yourself, you won’t be encountering it anymore. Killer...
This impressive overhaul mod for Devil May Cry 5 comes from modder 'Sparky1j' and is called "Devil May Crowbar". Due to the name of the mod, it's easily overlooked, but the project is an impressive project from the modder that deserves to be tried out....
I came across this news after watching a Virtual Insider video with the clickbait title This VR Game No Longer Exists. The news did come out about a month ago though but I haven’t seen it posted on Lemmy yet. A 47 second trailer for the game can be found here. In it you can see some elements that do exist in the Metro series...
As the title states Edytjedhgmdhm a direct download site previously linked on the megathread got removed from said megathread....
Over the weekend, following the game's full release, it hit a peak of 330,723 concurrent players. That's bigger than Skyrim's 287,411 concurrent player record, though still a way behind Fallout 4, which has a concurrent Steam player count of 472,962
wiedząc o planowanym ataku, Musk zdecydował się wyłączyć swoją sieć na obszarze wokół Krymu, przez co wypełnione materiałami wybuchowymi ukraińskie drony morskie straciły łączność i ostatecznie zostały wyrzucone na brzeg przez morze....
W okresie poprzedzającym targi motoryzacyjne IAA policja w Bawarii zastosowała wobec działaczy Ostatniego Pokolenia tzw. areszt prewencyjny. Procedura ta jest bardzo kontrowersyjna....