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whotookkarl, do games w What's your favorite controller?
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

My favorite layout so far is on the Razer Wolverine V2 Chroma Xbox wired controller. It has x/y up between the shoulder and triggers, back buttons for a/b, so you can keep your right thumb on the thumbstick without moving it to hit face buttons a/b/x/y.

whotookkarl, do gaming w Just one more time
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

Realized pre orders were a scam in 99 when I pre-ordered ff8 from Toys r us and when I went to pick it up they told me they don’t have any copies left

whotookkarl, do games w Xbox Console Sales Continue To Crater With Massive 42% Revenue Drop - Slashdot
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

Let me just fire up all these Xbox exclusive and first party games they’ve released since like 2021…

whotookkarl, (edited ) do games w Devs should not be "forced to run on a treadmill until their mental or physical health breaks", says publisher of Manor Lords, citing how gamers seem to be trained to expect endless content work now
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

Gamers are not asking devs to work until burnout on social media or forums, that’s management and usually in person or department/company policy and procedure.

Edit: more specifically to the article for solo devs they are talking about critics complaining they should have made something bigger which is not a bad problem to have for securing funding for future games if people like your art enough to request more and doesn’t require working burnout hours.

whotookkarl, do games w Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

ScummVM is my emulator of choice, like ePSXe it runs on phones and opens it up to a bunch of classics

whotookkarl, do games w Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

If you don’t mind a classic chess. Blitz/bullet/rapid/horde are different styles that don’t take as long to learn enough to have fun. Chess puzzles or against the computer are available if you want to keep it strictly single player. Lichess for multiplayer or I like chess tactics pro for puzzles.

Crosswords, there are programs like alphacross that aggregate from other sources to try different puzzles to find ones that aren’t too easy or hard.

whotookkarl, do gaming w Imagine, if you can.
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

A raspberry pi running batocera has been a good cheap way I’ve been using to revisit some classics. You can integrate it with retroachievements.org too.

whotookkarl, do gaming w Half Of PlayStation Players Still Haven't Upgraded To PS5
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

It also doesn’t help that a bunch of games have an upgrade charge, I mostly just use it for Blu-ray lately.

whotookkarl, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

I agree with the rest but it’s not just modern gaming it was happening back in the 90s on consoles and earlier in arcades. One of the first games I played was an obvious cash grab by Marvel, Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade’s Revenge for the Gameboy. It was barely playable.

whotookkarl, do astronomy w Study: Dark matter does not exist and the universe is 27 billion years old
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

Not an astronomer but if I read the article correctly the observations gathered about galaxies rotating and colliding would be explained instead by regional changes in what were previously assumed universal constants, which would be very interesting if true but 1 paper isn’t consensus yet

whotookkarl, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

90s style adventure games like Sam and Max hit the road, day of the tentacle, monkey Island, Indiana Jones, etc. Lots of comedy you can’t hear again for the first time, and puzzles that can be memorable.

scummVM can be used to run those games and runs on basically everything, phones, tablets, desktop.

whotookkarl, do astronomy w James Webb telescope spots potential conditions for life on 2 dwarf planets beyond Neptune
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

So that’s also studies by astrobiologists looking at atmospheric methane because we know it can be created in large quantities by metabolism in an organism in addition to non organic processes, and in the atmosphere it reacts to sunlight so it needs to be replaced to stay present in large quantities.

This is something different where they’re looking for chemical signatures, primarily methane, indicating geothermal vents which we’ve seen providing the energy to sustain life on earth at the bottom of the ocean. If abiogenesis requires some non organic processes like sublimation, evaporation, heating up and cooling down, etc to allow a self repeating process to start and continue to hold form until it’s able to use sugars to continue to maintain itself instead of depending on its environment to kick start the life process then you’ll want to look for those phase changes or boundaries like water/atmosphere or extreme heat/cold to provide the gradient that natural process may need like those studied in systems chemistry.

whotookkarl, do astronomy w James Webb telescope spots potential conditions for life on 2 dwarf planets beyond Neptune
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

That’s the zone for liquid water at the planet surface. There’s other sources of heat; gravitational pressure, geothermal vents from plate tectonics, etc. In this case they’re looking for methane with a chemical signature that indicates it comes from geothermal activity as opposed to other processes that generate methane.

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