Just when I was hoping to see some fan games start popping up, we’re gonna get Spyro 4: It’s about Slime or whatever. And they’ll probably lock it behind their stupid blizzard launcher and it will be console exclusive before it makes it to pc etc. etc.
I’m done. I loved Spyro, but it’s time to let a dead franchise rest in peace.
Indie titles are nice, but There’s really only so many pixel-art or cel-art style games I’m willing to play. And while, sure, there are noteable exceptions here and there, they’re just that. Exceptions.
I know why they do it, but my point is that I feel there is a missing middle in gaming.
I mean Valve once said that QA is the most vital part of game development.
Their classic anecdote is about Portal’s Development. They brought in some players to play the game near its completion and the user response was “Nice Demo, can’t wait to play the full game.” And they decided they had shown the player how to implement basic gameplay mechanics well, but that they hadn’t given the player a satisfying enough situation to use all of the mechanics at once. This is why Portal ends with the most amazing bossfight Valve has ever made imo.
Ah, so that obnoxious complaint about how “Linux users report too many bugs” and thats why devs won’t port their game to linux, is actually a strength because Linux users: