I enjoyed playing around with it for a few weeks last year. I liked that they had voice acting and context-sensitive dialogue like Velma saying, "Let's see who's really the world's greatest detective" when Batman was on the enemy team.
It's also just fun to speculate about all the characters that could show up (but probably won't). I'm still rooting for Granddad "Bitches" Freeman to join the roster.
I regret selling mine when I was 17 cause I wanted to buy a paintball gun and gear. At the time, it was a great call cause I didn't play any N64 games at the time, and I got to have a blast playing paintball with my friends.
But man I wish I'd sold something else back then so I could still have my original N64 and games. Still got the ol' NES and Sega Genesis at least.
Seconding the recommendation for Virtualbox. Wanted to play my old Lego Island CD a few years ago and I just booted it up in an old Windows VM. Worked like a charm.