Reminds me of that Australian law that was proposed to make anything with a relation to casino games Restricted 18 but merely mature for exploitative slot machine loot box mechanics.
I think the end goal may be to monitize the news feed, but overall the news feed sounds like it’s so poorly designed that nobody would want to use it in the first place. Being Japan, maybe the news feed was some high ranking dickhead’s pet project and they got this “feature” pushed through without anyone actually having the guts to say it was idiotic.
By the sounds of it, Sony isn’t even getting paid for these ads. They’re replacing the art with shit like a video explaining what the universe is. It’s just an algorithm they put in to keep it “fresh” and it’s amazingly shitty.
It’s fucking tedious, it’s win conditions are nearly impossible, and it’s controls suck. You have to collect phone pieces in a pit and then find and stand in an unmarked tile for an undeclared amount of time with no enemies on the screen to win and the win screen doesn’t even differentiate itself from the lose screen. Speedrun with no glitches is under a minute. It’s length of gameplay is purely designed on the fact that it’s just a badly made game.
It’d be great if the spring on that particular model isn’t crap out, forcing you to either use a game genie to have the console keep working or shove something inside to depress the cartridge.