But people are still shilling for starlink. I was always downvoted for mentioning the kessler syndrome or light pollution. All for progress, I guess we really need that fast internet in the middle of the atlantic.
I am an adult. Im not prudish. I watch porn. And whenever I see a sex scene in movies/tv shows/games I cringe.
They are usually most unnecessary to the story, and IMO a good movie makes you know it happened without showing it happening (without at least wiping the cock afterwards of course).
This made me hate Game of Thrones for example. I simply referred to it as midget porn. I even hated on it in front of my friends, they put it on to prove me wrong and lo and behold a midget is fucking a whore on screen.
Yeah, I know where to find porn and they even show genitalia there, thank you very much.
Gdzie teraz protesty na ulicach? Gdzie oburzenie społeczne?
Przecież w końcu pokonaliśmy konserwatystów katoli, jak to aborcja i związki partnerskie to nadal jedyne o czym się pierdoli w mediach? Miało być tak pięknie, tak postępowo. Marszałek Hołownia miał nam świecić progresywną latarnią a wyszło to samo gówno co zawsze. To co, kiedy kolejna kadencja pisu?