I never stated I’m not acting silly. It’s true I don’t really like Epic nowadays so why not state my opinion this way? It’s a bit of a twist in “vote with your wallet” after all.
The games are not free, someone has to pay for them, at least something. And if it ain’t me…
I claim every free game Epic offers, not because I actually want to play them. I claim all those games because it costs Epic money. And that is my goal.
Tell that to my TES: Oblivion character I picked only non combat skills as primary. Everything was fine when exploring landscape and forests, leveling peacefuly my alchemy, alteration or stealth and lockpicking. It was nice. Until I got to first oblivion gate and found out level scaling is a thing. Then I was f’d up pretty hard. Needless to say I never finished the game because of this.