I 100% disagree. Any game that requires connection to a remote server for single player functionality is dead to me. And any suggestion otherwise I take personal offense to.
This makes your local game dependent on someone else’s server. That someone else, at any time, can shut down that server with zero consequences. They can change the terms of the deal, with zero consequences. Their servers may unintentionally go down or experience other technical issues, depriving you of the product you paid for, with zero consequences. Also you simply cannot use it away from an internet connection.
You are at the mercy of the provider, who has absolutely no legal obligations to you.
Their servers were so damn slow to download on initial install
And you can’t see why that would be a massive problem while trying to livestream your game from their server?
Then I have no idea what reply you were referring to. Your first reply to me was a snarky one about digital representation of the Earth. Maybe check usernames next time.
And your point about fitting the entire world’s albedo, normal, roughness, specular, height, etc etc textures as well as high-fidelity 3D models is laughably false.
It would be, had I made such a comment. But I didn’t. You just pulled that out of your ass. I made a comment about storing “The Earth” on your local machine.
you are literally the only person confused about this.
Confused because people like you are making me that way.
My first reply said it was streaming high-res data from the cloud.
Your first reply also stated that it needed 180mbps to stream weather data.
Considering it’s a flight simulator advertising to cover the entire world, most people would intuit that would include textures and 3d models.
You can fit the entire world’s texture and 3d models on a super small file. The file size is entirely dependent on the level of detail of those textures and models. Hence the MS Paint analogy.
I appreciate you not arguing anymore, at least you know when to quit.
It’s dumb. I’d much rather have a 500GB install. They might as well just make the game a streaming service. It also ensures an early death for the game and no functionality without an internet connection.