I’m not going to agree with this non-article that it’s always streaming that much data.
What article are you talking about? The one in the OP doesn’t say that.
Meanwhile, scattered reports of MS Flight Sim 2020’s bandwidth consumption point toward a more conservative ~100 Mb/s in densely populated photogrammetry areas, such as major cities. Usage in lighter areas could dip as low as 10 Mb/s, though the official Microsoft bandwidth recommendation for that game was 50 Mb/s.
I’ll just throw it out there, why wpukdnt you want it to stream back as fast as possible?
Speed is not the problem. The problem is the sheer quantity of data needed to play a video game. Some people have data caps. Others may not be able to run the game smoothly, and others still not at all.
This is like the same stupid RAM argument. I WANT you to use as much as you can! What is the point of paying for the pipe if you don’t use everything you can?!
It’s not stupid to not want software consuming more RAM than is necessary.