Size and/or shape. A gulf is bigger than a bay (e.g. compare the Gulf of Mexico to Tampa Bay), and a sound is more about the opening to the larger body of water than it is about the partially-enclosed body of water itself.
Bullshit, Bruce Nesmith. You’re just a dishonest coward trying to absolve yourself of blame.
Edit: the paid horse armor was extremely controversial among gamers at the time, and plenty of people prophetically warned about what the consequences were going to be. Bethesda damn well knew or should have known exactly what Pandora’s box they were opening.
Look, if the choice is “use Ubuntu because it’s easy and officially supported by Steam” or "give up and stuck with Windows (or even worse, a console) would you really suggest the latter?
“By loading this comment, you agree to give @grue one million US dollars, payable in full within one week.”
See? Anybody can make up unconscionable bullshit. The extent to which Sony’s terms are enforced is only a measure of how many corrupt judges need to be gotten rid of.
I didn’t know this was something I agreed to when I bought my console.
That’s 'cause it wasn’t! Sony is “exceeding authorized access” – a felony under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act – but won’t be prosecuted for $ome rea$on.
Anything including Ubuntu will be perfectly fine. Canonical’s shenanigans that us Free Software people like to bitch about are entirely irrelevant to new Linux users.