That’s pretty cool, had a friend have a similar situation where he used to play on his brother’s account (which had his brother’s real name) and he got pretty attached to it
I generally really don’t like when people call me by my username in voice chat. Text is fine, but the moment I’m on a call with someone I’m telling em my first name because “hey flash” sounds really awkward
They look a lot like regular dark souls to me. The combat looks good but I think part of what I think of when I say flashy is abilities other than just hitting things with a weapon, movement abilities, magic that isn’t just standing back and pelting something, dodges that teleport you behind the enemy etc
I’ve tried devil may cry 5 and I think the first one, neither really got me. I should probably try 5 again because I’ve only played one of the characters though
Just didn’t get on with the whole disposable mechanical arm thing, didn’t like that my abilities kept changing up on me out of my control