A friend recommended Medieval Dynasty. It has a few bugs, but overall I’ve been addicted like I haven’t been for a long time. “Have been” addicted because after 60 hours the initial rush does get dimmer, but I still like playing the game.
You live in a medieval world, where you settle down and build your own village, chopping wood, hunting, gathering, farming and mining. You can also convince hobos to settle in your village and help you with chores.
The story has you finding out what happened to your uncle after he left. You find out he has led an astonishing life via lots of funny conversations with his former friends. The game has quest dialogue you actually want to read. Cudos to that alone.
I tried that with Tropico 5. The .exe launches the Kalypso launcher. When you press play, it launches the steam launcher, which then launches the Kalypso launcher again. When you then press play, you get to play the game.